05 January 2009

Notes on Bulkington Whitebanger

“Like his schoolmate Charles Darwin, Bulkington Whitebanger was saved by an unanticipated sea journey. What would have been of the great metaphorical mind of the naturalist had he not been offered to sail on The Beagle, had his uncle not have been able to cajole permission from Darwin’s father? The same question could be asked of Whitebanger. And although his work is not known, except to a select and devout group of followers, it is of a scope and magnitude comparable to Darwin’s; his conclusions, although not incorporated to the common scientific construct of reality, just as shocking and transformative of our basic understanding of our humanity. In a nutshell, Whitebanger proved, on a sea journey from London to Buenos Aires, that Time does not exist, that it is an artificial invention of the human mind.”

- From the Introduction to “Bulkington Whitebanger, A Life” (Illiston F. Chambers. Comorcont Press, Aberdeen. 1941.

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